So what is it with Seattle and drag queens?
I got excited this morning to learn that one of my favorite films,
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (click the review button to learn just how much I love it) is to be shown at the Egyptian Theatre October 21st as a midnight movie. Not only that, but
Tura Satana herself is going to be making an appearance in celebration of the film's 40th anniversary. A chance to see it on the big screen and be in the presence of one of cinema's most charismatic, intoxicating leading ladies? I was thrilled, until I realized that the event is part of
Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. I have no problem watching this film amongst an audience of queens and dykes ... this is Seattle after all, whenever you go to the grocery store you're surrounded by leather daddies, so homophobes don't last long in this city, and besides, the fact that gay film buffs are putting on the show is even more proof that homosexuals have better taste than breeders.
But why must we have one more "outrageous" transsexual as emcee? Some fella what names himself "Peaches Christ" (no link, you can Google him) is hosting the gig, and like Dina Martina, Gaysha Starr, Ursula Android, Jackie Hell and any number of dolled-up wannabee stand-up comics before him, he'll be strutting the boards spouting dirty jokes about supermodels, preaching to the choir about conservative politicos and cracking wise about drugs and loose sex. Yawn, I say. Far be it for me to ruin everybody's fun, but I say yawn.
Cool down, trannies ... I'm as bicurious as the next guy, I love all of Divine's movies (except
Lust in the Dust, that one just tried too hard), I've always had fun at Dina Martina's X-Mas shows and one of the first times I got drunk with my future wife I ended up in a dress and there are pictures to prove it. But here in Seattle the drag queen is ubiquitous, and to this jaded heart, boring.
Then again, Tura's gonna be there. Who wants to get tickets with me?
Interview with Tura Satana