Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I think it's safe to say this officially now ... my old lady, Lori Shakespeare, has nabbed herself a new job in the University of Washington library system that will afford her slightly more money and considerably more respect. Things were up in the air for a while, but this essentially stakes us down to Seattle for at least another year (barring unforseen disasters/triumphs). Lori gets her MLS degree in December and she'll be eligible for full-on librarian gigs after that, but Seattle isn't the strongest market for such things, so it's possible we'll have to leave for her to pursue a real career.

Personally, I'm glad we're staying for a little while longer. Like all places, there's a lot to hate about Seattle (the bus system, panhandlers, inefficient police force, general big-city frustrations) but on the whole I love it here and there's still some unfinished business I'm trying to wrap up before we move on.

By the way, I haven't exactly fixed the comments section, but they are functional again ... you just have to click on the # below each entry to get where you need to go. Don't ask me how, why or how ... the personal computer is like a car to me, I know how to drive it where I want to go, but once something goes haywire I'm completely lost (though I can occasionally jerryrig an improvised fix).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
