Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Seattle yahoos in a classified ad describe themselves as a "60s and 70s British Rock Band" ... so how old are they, then? And are they really from England? "If you can't sing and play, don't call." Don't worry, dude.

The Stranger wants 150 words on Roy Loney. Not bad, this oughta write itself, right? Right. Well, it's due in 24 hours so it better ...

Thanks to Soren Davis, I now have a copy of Bobby Conn's RISE! lp (on cd) and it sounds good, not as immediately engaging as THE HOMELAND, but impressive nonetheless and certainly deserves a dedicated investigation.

SIFF Press Accreditation is mine! Still don't know what films to expect, nor have I determined if I can bring Lori to any of these events. All I know is I'm gonna wear my pirate eye patch for the whole festival, and pretend that I'm deaf in one ear if anyone tries to talk to me. If I'm going to have to go out into public and start "hobnobbing" (or "knobgobbling") with other journalists, then it is very important that I establish an eccentric persona from the start. Do they already have a blind film writer in Seattle? Well, by God, here he is ...

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