Friday, December 15, 2006

Home of the Whammer Deal

Out here in Seattle there's a great series of homemade TV commercials for this particular appliance store ... King is the old fella on the right and he's a complete genius. Bunny is his wife, but apparently she doesn't make personal appearances. If you're looking for a dishwasher, I suggest you patronize their establishment.

I don't often discuss Rosie O'Donnell in this forum (for various reasons) but today I feel like punching her in the face, so I must bring it up. I like making fun of Chinese people as much as the next guy ... ching chong, ching chong, see, I think it's hilarious, I have no problem with her minor little gag. But that half-hearted non-apology is infuriating after her headline-grabbing tantrum over (I'm not gonna mention these people by name anymore, it makes me feel like a tool)'s utterly unintentional gay slur, which, it should be mentioned, no one else in the world found offensive in the least. I know getting angry about what goes on in the world of morning television seems short-sighted, but this kind of hypocrisy is rampant in the country today, everyone so locked in their own little cultural pocket but utterly ignorant of all the other marginal groups around them. Gay, Christian, Negro, mod, rocker, postcard collector, falconer, flautist, speedfreak ... everybody assumes the bag they're in is the only one that needs protection. This is why I hate everyone and I think it's time that all us misanthropes of the world unite and form an organization to stand up for our right not to be irritated by the rest of you fucking morons out there.

And while we're discussing the "news," I wanna state that I think it's okay to stuff kids in body socks too.

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