Monday, March 30, 2009

I was a bit morose this weekend despite (because of?) actually going out both Friday and Saturday nights ... Lori and I hung out with a Flaster on Friday, and it was a very Michiganesque experience, drinking in a bowling alley bar and discussing the collapse of civilization (best ways to build a compound into the side of a hill, which guns to stockpile, some real Michigan Militia-type shit and for a while I forgot I was out here in Fairyville). After wasting an entire Saturday, we went to a birthday party where I met a poet from England who was born in Missouri and tasted an excellent caramel cake. But I've been lacking for sleep and Lori and I are both concerned about our economic futures ... state budget cuts are threatening us and we may not be as comfortable as we are now by the end of the summer. These grim facts, along with my usual routine of self-doubt, paranoid fantasies and existential terror kept me pretty frozen overall. But it's a new day, God loves me, it's always darkest before the dawn and etc. etc., so what the fuck, I'll stay alive a couple more days and see what happens.

1 comment:

Mr. Kendall said...

Punkin, clearly you're hanging out with the wrong Seattleites. When I talk of my bunker in Frink Park, I mean every word of it. Guns won't do any good though, eventually you'll run out of ammo. Sling shots, bows & arrows, trench knives -- these are the tools of the future.

I'm glad you had some good cake though. And I'm glad you're sticking around.