Monday, April 13, 2009


via WFMU

I'm at the office, so any further consideration of this topic would be NSFW, but if you watch only one porn film in your life, make it Behind the Green Door. Genuinely erotic, historically significant, consciously cinematic and concerned with a variety of human sexual variations, the antithesis of the better-known Deep Throat, which might be culturally more important but is too depressing to actually watch.

Reuters report.

Safe at home now ... BTGD helped to spawn not only the pornographic revolution, but also a short-lived star-crossed love affair in my life. Was I 22 years old at the time? Let's say 22, I lived in a big house full of students in East Lansing, MI and would occasionally watch TV with one of my female roommates. One night I brought home a few videos including BTGD, and when she found out what I had scored, she insisted on putting it on. The experience of watching an erotic film (especially one that aroused rather than amused me) with a platonic female friend was a strange one. But pleasant, apparently for both of us, as from then on she would always ask "what porn did you get?" whenever I'd return from the video store, and as I usually had some, we'd watch it together. I don't need to elaborate on what eventually transpired (although it really is a great story), suffice to say it took both of us way way too long to finally get around to what we wanted to get around to. A month later we moved into our own apartment for the summer and began the most aggravating, sexually dysfunctional love relationship I'd ever know. Looking back, it was all worth it. Thanks, Mitchell Brothers!

PS. Gay porn film star Jack Wrangler died recently too. Yes, I've seen some of his movies, but I prefer the trailers.


Doug said...
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Doug said...

First Jack Wrangler, Now Marilyn. Very sad.