Thursday, August 06, 2009

So for the 7.25.2009 End Times performance, Tyson arranged to have the show recorded, but the soundman didn't hit the right button until the very end of our set. It's extra vexing because the tape turned out pretty good, so if you're interested in hearing 2 1/4 songs ("Cursed With Hot Blood," "Got Caught Waiting" and "Stay Where You Are") from the last End Times show, you can download the MP3 here.

Lori and I spent a few days driving up and down the Oregon coast, and we're currently holed up in Missoula, Montana, visiting Bryan Bong, his old lady Julie and their genius son Manuel Mars. After that we high-tail it to Michigan and expect to hit Ann Arbor somewhere around Monday. We'll call you when we get in.

1 comment:

Mark Lansing said...

Give the Bong family my regards and call me when you get back into Michigan. We might be unpacked by then.