Thursday, August 03, 2006


Freddy Fender discusses his cancer with bravery and dignity. "I cannot complain that I haven't lived long enough, but I'd like to live longer." Now THAT'S a man.

I've been a Fender fan for many years and recall the awe I felt watching him perform with the Texas Tornadoes about a decade or so ago. Crammed into a tight tuxedo, that wild Larry Fine hair flying and Pancho Villa moustache taking over half his face, well into middle age but still able to effortlessly drive women into a frenzy with his romantic balladeering. I won't lie, I was there to see Doug Sahm that night (I brought my beat-up copy of Mendocino for an autograph, waited by the stage door for an hour but struck out, only managing to wave the LP at the Tornadoes' limo as it pulled away forever), but Freddy Fender stole that show, and all the swooning Mexican housewives in the audience would agree with me.

I wish Mr. Fender a long, comfortable convelescence as he goes proudly into that good night. Tell Doug I said hello.

Freddy Fender Official Website

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